
Bath Ball Water Faucet Filter - BB-104 Review

Bath Ball Water Faucet Filter - BB-104
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Our water has some pretty intense chlorine--the filtration plant says it's 1ppm, which I suppose is average for city water supplies but it doesn't make for a pleasant drinking/showering/bathing experience. We've run whole house carbon filters for years but they wear out really quickly and we don't always get around to replacing them on time. I bought the bath ball for an 80 gallon bathtub that's used on a daily basis in the winter--it's sort of a stand-in for a hot tub and our family is super addicted to it! I really needed something to reduce the chlorine for our baths, but there are few options. The only problem with this product, aside from high cost, is that a lot of people complain it doesn't hang from their faucet without major jury-rigging. My faucet actually looks a lot like the one pictured, it slopes downward with a flange or flare at the bottom, so I figured it would work. I was right! I have to slow down the water flow a little when I'm filling the tub so that the water doesn't spill over the sides of the filter, but it's well worth it. It works like a charm to neutralize the chlorine. The manufacturer states that the filter will last for 26,000 gallons, but that depends on how much chlorine is actually in your water. Even if it turns out that I have to replace the filter several times a year, it's worth it to me for better water quality and healthier baths! Another bonus is that every component of the filter is recyclable.

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