
Price Pfister 931-002 Soap Dispenser Pump Review

Price Pfister 931-002 Soap Dispenser Pump
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Price-Pfister apparently has some quality problems with their soap dispensers--the original lasted 15 months. Anyway, what I had to dig for was info on how to remove the old soap dispenser pump and put in the new one. To do it, you simply PULL the old one out and PUSH the new one in. My old one was pretty hard to pull out.
You would THINK Price-Pfister would put in an instruction slip with the replacement part or at least have this on their website where I could find it, but NOOOOOooo. From looking at it, I thought I would probably have to unscrew it using a special tool. I did find out it was just a pull/push via another website which I would give here but amazon just deletes the link. Nice.
Update: 5/21/2010
After about 6 weeks, the new one I bought developed a problem (and this may have been the same problem I had with the original pump, so try this before you buy a replacement): the plastic tube that immerses within the soap started to leak air where it fits into the pump. So I dried out the whole thing, then Elmer's glued it into place to seal the connection. Elmer's is water-soluble so I don't know how long this will last--where I glued should not have much contact with the soap. But if that fails, I'll just go to a waterproof glue. Problem solved. Price-Pfister continues to drop the ball on this unit.
Update 06/11/2010:
The Elmer's glue has gone liquid (but it's still working so far) in the wet environment, so use Gorilla Glue or something else that's waterproof.
Update 01/05/2011:
Gorilla Glue finally failed, but I just redid with Gorilla glue again and back in business. I'll try one of the commenters' suggestions next time.

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